It has been a while since I did a CTF so i decided to dive into one and I selected the Bulldog CTF created by Nick Frichette, you can find it here,211/. It was a great exercise that helped remind me of some basic things to check when doing pen tests or CTFs. I […]

In this age of rogue hackers, government red teams, and everyone else under the sun with computer access, a few books, and an MO – what do you count on to keep them out? I tell you many organizations have blurred lines with security products, to the point that incidents are reported and brought to […]

The cornerstone of every effective ethical hacker is the establishment of their virtual lab environment in order to conduct all kinds of operations from penetration testing known vulnerable servers to analyzing malware in a controlled environment. By our very nature as white hat hackers we do not attack systems owned by others without their expressed […]

Everyone knows about the end result of a hack whether it is by a exploit, malware or a successful social engineering attack. But what goes into these attacks? What is the first point of compromise on a system? We can steal a user’s credentials with a carefully crafted webpage or email. However what delivers malware, or an exploit […]

I recently had some one come to me and ask for advice on how to get into the cyber security field, specifically web application security.  I recommended a couple good books and certifications to look at, as well as some good resources for video training materials, but I only recommended learning one tool – Burp Suite. […]

You’ve just broken into your target’s internal network, whether it was some perfectly executed social engineering scheme or leveraging an overlooked unpatched vulnerability, you hit the jackpot. Now you figure it’s time to settle yourself in-between the would-be victim with a man in the middle attack and start sniffing traffic for some credentials. You fire […]