So let me tell you about a little thing called Shodan.  To put it simply, this terrifyingly beautiful website is a search engine for the Internet of Things.  It’s powerful, thorough, and just downright fun to play with.  Shodan will take your search and discover all devices connected to the internet related to the query. […]

I know how hard it is for recent college graduates to snag that first big interview, so a big congratulations to you. That’s the first step to entering the cyber security profession.  I also know how intimidating it can be trying to prepare for it.  I figured I’d share some of the experiences I’ve had […]

Buckle up, this is going to be quite the ride.  Burp Suite is a web application penetration tester’s bread and butter, a powerful suite of tools that covers everything you could ever want, need, or dream.  I’ll do my absolute best to cover everything in depth, but there’s quite a bit. Here’s a quick list […]